Workflow condition operators
Depending on the field or data type, you can use a variety of operators to create your conditions. Here's the list of various operators the app supports for String data type. Let's take an example where the field value is Hamburger and see how various operators will behave depending on the input value.
- contains -> Evaluates to True if field value contains the input value. For instance, "Hamburger" contains "burger" will evaluate to True.
- does not contain -> Evaluates to True if field value does not contain the input value. For instance, "Hamburger" does not contain "fries" will evaluate to True.
- is -> Evaluates to True if field value is exactly equal to the input value. For instance, "Hamburger" is "Hamburger" will evaluate to True.
- is not -> Evaluates to True if field value is not equal to the input value. For instance, "Hamburger" is not "burger" will evaluate to be True.
- is empty -> Evaluates to True if field value is either an empty string or field value is missing. For instance, field value "" is empty will evaluate to True.
- is not empty -> Evaluates to True if field value is present and it is not an empty string. For instance, "Hamburger" is not empty will evaluate to True.
- starts with -> Evaluates to True if field value starts with the input value. For instance, "Hamburger" starts with "Ham" will evaluate to True.
- ends with -> Evaluates to True if field value ends with the input value. For instance, "Hamburger" ends with "burger" will evaluate to True.
- starts with any of -> Evaluates to True if the field value starts with any of comma-separated values. For instance, "Hamburger" starts with any of "Ham, drink" will evaluate to True.
- ends with any of -> Evaluates to True if the field value ends with any of comma-separated values. For instance, "Hamburger" ends with any of "burger, drink" will evaluate to True
- in -> Evaluates to True if field value is in the list of comma-separated values. For instance, "Hamburger" in "Fries, Hamburger" will evaluate to True.
- not in -> Evaluates to True if field value is not in the list of comma-separated values. For instance, "Hamburger" not in "Fries, Burger" will evaluate to True.
- contains any of -> Evaluates to True if field value contains any of comma-separated values as its substring. For instance, "Hamburger" contains any of "burger, drink" will evaluate to True.
- does not contain any of -> Evaluates to True if field value does not contain any of comma-separated values as its substring. For instance, "Hamburger" does not contains any of "fries, drink" will evaluate to True.